Grundy lake is a beautiful camp ground about 5 hours from here. This camp ground is full of fabulous memories that shall be cherished for ever. This picture above (which I do NOT take credit for) is the "slippery rocks" one of the most hilariously entertaining things on the planet. So basically here is what you do: Run as fast as you can unto the water, when you find your feet in the water there is no stopping you. They are called the slippery rocks because the rocks are slippery and slimy, and you slide down them with ease. Kalynn Bedbrook and I have spend many hours sliding down these rocks trying different tricks like spinning.
I have been to grundy lake 3 times now and love it to bits. I've gone once with Jenna Chard years ago, another time with Kalynn Bedbrook and my family, and the most recent time with my dad&the brother, my uncle, my cousin Shannon & her boyfriend Wesley, Kalynn Bedbrook and Nathan Miller. It was good times, we spend numerous hours at the jumping rocks(picture below), Slippery rocks, playing "president" and other card games and playing Rumikub.
One of my favourite stories takes place here in Grundy park, this was probably 3 or 4 years ago now, back when me and Kalynn were younger. We were outside frolicking about and we stumbled across a caterpillar, in whom we names Ernest! Let me tell you about him, he was the quiet type never really said much, he was small, fuzzy and had many legs. Kalynn, Ernest & I ventured out to the lake where we sat on rocks talking for a while about random KatelynlyKalynny conversations, and suddenly I stand up to find myself sliding down a rock with poor innocent ernest in my hands. Somehow managing to stay out of the water I saved mine and Ernest's life in sacrifice for the well being of my leg, which is now scared. While sliding down that rock I ended up scratching my ankle upon it, leaving me with less skin then before. This was painful, but I saved Ernest's life.
Another story dear to me is One-Eyed Wesley. This happened when Wesley was scavenging through out the bushes for some wood that we could burn to create a beautiful warm fire. On this hunt he managed to look at a tree and poke his eye. This was bad, very bad. After suffering through the night, they went of to the hospital in the morning. Returning they brought us the news old Einstein there Wesley has scratched his cornea. For the next few days we walked around with an eye patch on, which affected his depth perception. Hence the nickname One-eyed Wesley. To be honest it was hilarious.
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