Snowboarding Adventures

On Saturday the 17th Danielle and I went snowboarding at the Kirby ski hill! Now Dan(formally known as Danielle Luxton)&I both started at the end of last seasons so February/March time period so we are relatively new, but this year we are basically the definition of success. During the Christmas holidays I went up to with the Fam Jam to snowboard down the mountains Big White and Silver Star, which are simply giant and beautiful, Kirby is a bump in comparison.
Big White
In BC I learned a lot, for example how to carve, and get more confident on my toe edge. The first day was brutal, a minus 24 at the bottom of the mountain, now imagine the temperature at the top. Adding to the the brutalness I had my fair share of hardcore whip-outs, resulting in serious pain. By the last day we went, I was able to make it down a five kilometer run without falling! Meanwhile back in Ontario Dan went many times improving her skills. When I returned Dan and I went boarding together, to our surprise we were pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Our accomplishments are growing, for example last season, the T-bar was a pure evil piece of metal and wood designed only to kill us, but this year it has become out best friend.
On the 17th we managed to jump while riding, which turned out to be easier then we suspected, only managing one good fall by yours truly after landing and catching an edge. Then we ventured into the park, our new battle. We have made our way into the park on two different days now and attempted a jump, a box and a rail. Danielle has had more success then I by landing a jump and the box, while i managed to make it across the box land then fall, also panicking then stopping on the jump didn't help. My goal is to land the box and the jump, and try the flat down flat. So verdict, Katelyn+Dan+Snowboards+Snow+2009=success.


Heather said...

those two pictures are like what you see in tourist magazines man. sell em;)
i love this layout! and your dp is sa-weet.

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